Wednesday Evenings5:30 PM Dinner (by reservation)
6:15 PM Prayer Meeting & Midweek Message 6:00 PM AWANA (PreK - 5th Grades) 6:15 PM Bible Lessons for Youth (6th - 12th Grades) 7:15 PM Choir Practice Homecoming/310th Anniversary ServiceSeptember 8th
Covered Dish Dinner after the Worship Service. Fried chicken & BBQ will be provided. Please bring a dessert or side. Wednesday Night SuppersWednesday Night Dinners are served each week during the school year at 5:30 PM. Reservations are required. Make permanent reservations or reserve your space each week. Slips will be in the bulletin each week, and you must either fill out the form and place it in the offering plate on Sunday or contact Pastor Lee by NO LATER THAN 10 AM on Tuesday if you wish to eat with us. Cost will be $5 for adults and $3 for children, with a $15 max for families. Dinners are for those attending Wednesday Night Services. If you are interested in helping in the kitchen please contact Rachael Clements.
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Student Ministries